Dear Constituents and Fellow Citizens,

I am deeply honored and humbled to serve as your representative in the State House of Assembly, representing the good people of Yakurr 1 State Constituency in Cross River State. 

It is with great pride and a profound sense of duty that I provide this report on my first 100 days in office, as I firmly believe in the importance of transparency and accountability in governance.

From the moment I assumed office, I recognized the weighty responsibility entrusted to me and dedicated myself to enhancing my knowledge of legislative and democratic processes. In pursuit of this, I, alongside my esteemed colleagues, actively participated in an induction program organized by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies. This invaluable experience has fortified my understanding of the complexities of governance, enabling me to better serve you, my constituents.

Throughout these initial 100 days, I have been unwavering in my commitment to improving the lives and well-being of the people I represent. Here are some of the significant initiatives and achievements we have undertaken together:

1. Addressing Flooding Risks: 

In recognition of the vulnerability of our community to flooding, I initiated a motion calling on the Cross River State Government, specifically the Ministry of Environment and Waste Management Agency, to urgently evacuate all water drainages within the Calabar Metropolis. This critical measure aims to safeguard our community and mitigate the risks associated with flooding.

2. Enhancing Public Service: 

Understanding the importance of our dedicated public servants, I co-sponsored a motion to implement a contributory pension scheme. This scheme is designed to improve the financial well-being of our public servants, thus enhancing their quality of life. I also co-sponsored a motion addressing unjust taxation practices in our state. This initiative aims to ensure fairness and equality in the tax system, benefiting our community as a whole.

3. Supporting Our Youths: 

As part of my commitment to supporting young people, I provided financial support to 100 NYSC Batch B Stream 1 Corps Members accros the three communities that make up our constituency; each receiving a cash grant of N30,000 to alleviate their financial burdens at their respective NYSC camps. 

4. Healthcare: 

I extended a helping hand to a constituent, Mr. Stephen Bassey Offor (Chartered Accountant) who required urgent treatment for a liver enlargement ailment, with a donation of 1 Million Naira. It is our duty as representatives to show compassion and support to those in need.

5. Essential Services: 

I, initiated the drilling of the pipe borne water project in Ketabebe Community in Ugep. This significant endeavor aims to provide clean and easily accessible water to the residents, promoting their overall health and well-being. Together, we are dedicated to fostering a sustainable and livable environment for all.

6. Improving Essential Services: 

Recognizing the importance of well-lit spaces in healthcare, I facilitated the installation of five solar panel street lights at the General Hospital in Ugep,Yakurr Local Government, addressing the issue of inadequate lighting and enhancing the safety and security of patients, staff, and visitors.

7. Empowering Our Constituents: 

Committed to creating opportunities for our constituents to thrive, I provided motorcycles to three individuals, Mr. Ofem Bassey Utre, Onen William, and Mr. Mathew Bassey, from Ugep and Ekori respectively, to enable them have a means of livelihood to support themselves and their families.

8. Fostering Economic Development: 

I made a significant cash donation of 2.5 million Naira to Mr. Otu Ekong, a hard working young man from Calabar South Local Government Area, to help him establish a standard barbing shop. This financial support will not only uplift Mr. Ekong but also contribute to the growth of our local economy.

9. Investing in Education: 

I firmly believe that education is the cornerstone of progress. In line with this, I took the initiative to pay school fees for children, not only within our constituency but also beyond its borders. This investment in education is an investment in our community's future prosperity and development.

These are just a glimpse of the initiatives undertaken during my first 100 days in office. I remain steadfast in my dedication to making a positive impact on our constituency, tirelessly working toward our shared vision of progress and prosperity. 

I pledge to continue engaging with you, listening to your concerns, and collaborating with relevant stakeholders to build a brighter future for Yakurr 1 State Constituency and Cross River State as a whole.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude for your trust and unwavering support. Together, we will achieve greatness and drive our communities to prosperity.

*Hon, Sen, Pst Bill Francis Bill Spokesperson to Governor Prince otu and Snr Chief Advocate to Hon cyril Omini*

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