Victory at the Election Tribunal: Gov. Bassey Otu's Spokesperson Extends Congratulations and Calls for Unity

Victory at the Election Tribunal: Gov. Bassey Otu's Spokesperson Extends Congratulations and Calls for Unity

 Pst Bill Francis Bill,

 Cross River State Spokesperson to  Governor Prince Bassey Otu has congratulated his boss on his deserved victory at the election tribunal.

In his message, he said, I would like to offer my heartfelt congratulations on your victory at the Election Tribunal. This is a well deserved triumph.

He applauded the Governor's perseverance and dedication throughout the process, many were set to laugh at the Governor and his lieutenants today in the court but God didn't give way for such to happen, God disgraced our Enemies!

My Governor, your commitment to justice and fairness is a true inspiration, and I know that you will continue to serve your people with the utmost integrity.

Am a witness to everything that happened in the March 18 election, how you swept 15LGAs out of 18, leaving only 3 for your opponents to battle for, this is a great testaments of the trust the Good of Cross River have in you.

You remain unchallenged and  too big to bow for any evil perpetrators who think they can hunt you down, they need to rethink because it won't be possible.

I would like to use this opportunity to advise the Sen. Sandy Onor and his PDP members to work in tandem with the Governor if they wishes, or step aside if they don't. They should remember the theory that says ''If You Don't Win, You Join Them'', this saying should strongly ring bell in their ears.

I am congratulating them for a hard-fought Campaign, though the outcome was not what they hoped for, but am still advising them to join in supporting His Excellency Sen. Prince Bassey Otu, as he  leads our state forward or better still, direct their funds in the internal running of their party.

They should use the money in supporting the party chieftains who are really in need of help, than roaming around courts seeking for unmerited judgement.

Once again, my Governor and my boss, may your time in office be marked by continued success and, may you bring prosperity and happiness to your state.

Congratulations Gov Clean Sweet Prince.

Hon. Bill Francis Bill, 

Your Spokesperson.

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