By Beatrice Akpala

    The need to constantly confer with the people at the grassroots and know the direction of their thoughts as well as their needs at all time, is a political imperative which everyone in leadership position must learn to imbibe as a matter of urgency.

   This philosophy must have informed the recent inauguration of 21 Ward Coordinators in Obubra/Etung Federal Constituency by Rt. Hon. Mike Etaba. 

    The ceremony, vital and imperative in its outlook, was a remarkable way of eliciting the people's views and coming to terms with their problems with a view to finding solutions.

    Rt. Hon. Etaba has never failed to impress his people at the grassroots and that occasion was yet another of his many ways of reaching out to the electorates.

   In an interactive session with the media, Rt. Hon. Etaba noted that he has received great support and cooperation from his people and leaders, especially Sen. John Owan Enoh, whom he described as a political godfather and mentor. He reiterated the need for the people to come together as one in order to shape their political future in the right direction.

    The National Assembly Member noted that the people need each other to succeed. He further reiterated that some political figures in the past misused their opportunities and they are paying dearly for it today, a mistake he will leave no stone unturned to avoid. He pledged to continue to give his very best to his Federal Constituency and indeed, the entire State and Country. 

   Chief Alex Irek, Leader of Obubra politics, expressed joy at the event and admonished all the chosen Coordinators to see this as their own opportunity to serve not just Rt. Hon. Etaba but also the entire people of Obubra/Etung Federal Constituency, adding that he is very confident that Rt. Hon. Mike Etaba will not take the people's trust for granted.

   Hon. Egbe Abeng Egbe, member, Obubra 11 State Constituency in the Cross River State House of Assembly, observed that the next round of empowerment scheme and programme, will cover all those who have not been captured in the first scheme. He noted that Rt. Hon. Etaba is a good man who is not involved in any evil practices nor shady deals and called on the people to always extend their support to him.

    In the same vein, Hon. Inyang Ogar, who spoke on behalf of the Etung Local Government Coordinators, said Rt. Hon. Etaba has not failed to impress anyone in the entire Federal Constituency, adding that the National Assembly Member is always ready for action and to be in communion with his people at the grassroots.

   Deacon Egor Dennis Enang, the APC Chapter Chairman in Obubra, said that the National Assembly Member has performed far beyond the expectations of the people and promised that the Coordinators will be alive to their responsibilities.

    Also speaking, Mkpe Theresa Ojong, one of the beneficiaries of Rt. Mike Etaba’s benevolence, enjoined the good people of Obubra/Etung to always rally round the National Assembly Member as he has proved worthy of their votes, adding that he had performed up to 100% of the people's expectations.

   Mr. Larry Bebia, the coordinator of Bendeghe Ekim Ward, prayed for more of God's blessings on the federal lawmaker who has impressed all the people. He said everything was done devoid of theft, rancour, infighting and disorderliness. He described Rt. Hon. Etaba as a silent achiever who is ready to go the extra mile to work for the people.

   The Coordinator of Apiapum Ward, Comrade Coolest Sunday, while speaking on behalf of all coordinators maintained that the Federal Constituency will remain eternally grateful for the very able representation of Rt. Hon. Mike Etaba.

   Comrade Sunday, also thanked Rt. Hon. Mike Etaba for carrying out the empowerment programme and the inauguration of Ward Coordinators in spite of the very short time he has been in office in the 10th Assembly. 

    Rev. Philip Awam Young, Pastor, Assemblies of God Church in Ofatura, prayed for more blessings on the national lawmaker and the entire people of Obubra/Etung Federal Constituency, adding that only God's grace can make all these things possible.

    Rt. Hon. Mike Etaba has indeed been a recurring figure in the political horizon of Obubra/Etung Federal Constituency and his remarkable run of employment opportunities and empowerment programmes will continue to resonate with the people for a long time to come. The political horizon stares at him and many more glorious exploits awaits him and the good people of Obubra/Etung Federal Constituency.

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