By : Apostle Steve Umoh

Blessed is he that considereth the poor:

The LORD will deliver him in time of trouble.

The LORD will preserve him, and keep him alive; and he shall be blessed upon the earth:

And thou wilt not deliver him unto the will of his enemies.

- Psalm 41 : 1-2 -

The Governor of Cross River State, H. E( Dist) Sen. Bassey Edet Otu, empowers Cross Riverians through his food basket outreach, tagged " PRINCE OTU FOOD BASKET" 

This scheme,is aimed at making food commodities available to Cross Riverians, at a very cheap rate.

On Saturday, 30th December, 2023, the Governor, through his food basket Scheme, at Watt & Marian markets, in the State Capital made available food stuffs at very cheap and affordable prices.

This scheme is through the partnership of the Governor, Prince Otu & his dear wife, Mrs Eyoawan Otu, who are responsible for subsidising the cost of transporting foodstuff from across the State, to the State Capital, or wherever the food products are required.

A monitoring Team has been appointed, to ensure that these foodstuffs, are being sold at a cheaper rate, to ensure the economic burden on Cross Riverians is reduced. 

This is part of the Governor's way of alleviating the sufferings of the people, as prices of foodstuffs have continued to rise, due to the Federal Government removal of subsidy.

At the moment, a cup of garri in Calabar goes for #100( one hundred naira) but Prince Otu's food basket is aimed at making sure that 3 cups of garri can be sold for that same price, from henceforth.

Small tubers of yams sold for #800( eight hundred naira) at the State Capital, would also be sold for #500( five hundred naira).

This scheme, would favour the farmers, traders, transporters and the consumers of these foodstuffs.

The State Government plans to reach out to farmers and help them produce garri in large quantities, through bearing thier production cost. 

They are also interested in supporting the traders by paying for their transportation of food products, from the point of production, to the various destinations, the foodstuffs are required.

The State Government would also be responsible for free taxation of transporters, used for this scheme.

Consumers on the other hand, would buy the products at a cheaper rate.

A cup of rice at #250 would be reduced to #150 etc, which would help retailers sell at a cheaper rate too.

Once the scheme stabilisers, State Government would later acquire it's transport scheme, for easy transportation of these foodstuffs.

Cross River State is benefitting from the sweetness of Prince Bassey Otu.

Let's continue to support his projects.

God bless Cross River State.

God bless Prince Otu.

Happy new year in advance.

Published by Governor Prince Otu spokesperson Pst Bill Francis Bill Ceo Billionaire Bill media Team and Blog.

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