The Ayade family most heartily appreciates everyone who turned up for the funeral rites of our departed sister, Mrs Ateb Janet Unigar (Nee` Ayade).

We are deeply touched by your massive show of love and empathy during our trying moments. 

I especially thank His Excellency, Senator Prince Bassey Otu, Governor of Cross River State for his love and moral support. May l also thank past and serving NASS members, past and serving members of the Cross River State Executive Council, party executives, friends and other stakeholders who travelled from far and wide to stand with us.

You were there for us during our moments of sorrow and pain. You offered your shoulders for us to lean on when ours were hurting.

Your words of encouragement and advice were the elixirs that invigorated us and ameliorated our grief.

Your presence was a comforting balm to our deep pains. We are exceedingly appreciative of your sacrifices. 

As you journey back to your destinations, may the Almighty Lord go with you and grant you journey mercies. 

Thank you!

H.E, Senator Prof. Ben Ayade (CON)

Former Governor of Cross River State

December 10, 2023.

Published by Pst Bill Francis Bill Spokesperson to Governor Prince Otu Sir Benedict Benjoushuye Akinshuye Ayade Con Ksji Adopted Son and Disciple.

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