Rt. Hon. Mike Etaba, Member Representing Obubra/Etung Federal Constituency, Condemns Recent Outbreak of Communal Violence in Ogamana and Ofonokom

I am deeply saddened and appalled by the recent outbreak of communal violence between Ogamana and Ofonokom communities in Obubra. It is disheartening to witness our brothers and sisters, who have lived together for generations, resorting to violence and choosing the path of destruction instead of dialogue.

As a representative of the people, it is my utmost duty to ensure the safety and welfare of my constituents. I strongly condemn this unwarranted and senseless violence which has caused a heavy gun battle in the Ijebeh axis, leading to the death of one of my constituents. This situation demands immediate attention and intervention from all  authorities. It is crucial that peace and stability are restored in these communities without any further delay.

On my part, I have put a call across to the relevant security agencies to swiftly intervene and bring an end to this destructive conflict. They should deploy adequate personnel to the affected areas to halt the ongoing gun battle and prevent further loss of lives and destruction of properties. The safety and security of our people must be the top priority.

Furthermore, I urge the leaders and stakeholders of both communities to exercise restraint and embrace peaceful dialogue in resolving whatever differences they may have. Violence only begets more violence, and it is through peaceful engagements that we can find lasting solutions to our conflicts.

To our brothers and sisters in Ogamana and Ofonokom, I stand in solidarity with you during this trying time. I implore you to lay down your arms and seek peaceful resolutions to any grievances you may have. United, we can overcome this crisis and rebuild the trust and harmony that once characterized our communities.

Lastly, I call on all the chiefs, women, youths and other  stakeholders of Obubra to join hands with us to take urgent action in resolving this conflict and bring the perpetrators of violence to justice. Our Local Government deserve peace, security, and development, and it is our collective responsibility to ensure their well-being.

May peace prevail in Ogamana and Ofonokom, and may the affected find solace and relief soon.

Rt. Hon. Mike Etaba

Member representing Obubra/Etung Federal Constituency 

Published by Governor Pastor Chief Ntufam Prince Otu Spokesman and Ceo Billionaire Bill Media team and blog.

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