During my visit to some of the affected communities in Obubra Local Government Area, I had the opportunity to engage with various stakeholders - traditional rulers, women, youths, clergy, security agencies, and others,  urging them to embrace peace and dialogue, and to unite for the development and progress of our constituency.

I expressed my disappointment over the loss of lives and destruction of properties that have characterised these senseless wars, noting that our constituency has suffered greatly from these conflicts, and that it is time for us to come together and put an end to them.

During my engagement with the Clan head of Imabana Ochokwu and acting paramount ruler of Obubra, HRH Ovarr Louis Enyam, the Kudiden of Adun, HRH Ovarr Patrick Erong Edom and other monarchs, I  condemned the incident which resulted in the attack, humiliation, and chasing of the acting paramount ruler from his house and community by some residents of Imabana Ochokwu, describing the act as not only shameful but also an affront to our values as a people. I  pledged to bring the perpetrators to justice for not only inflicting injuries on some of the chiefs and their families but also vandalizing their properties. 

While acknowledging their  efforts in ensuring peace in some quarters, I charged all the traditional rulers and other leaders not to always fan the embers of disunity and wars but to work towards resolving conflicts through dialogue. I pledged my continuous  commitment to ensuring that peace is restored in our constituency, 

In their separate reactions, the Clan head of Imabana Ochokwu and acting paramount ruler of Obubra, HRH Ovarr Louis

Enyam and the Kudiden of Adun, HRH Ovarr Patrick Erong Edom, while commending me for the  job opportunities I recently facilitated for some sons and daughters of the constituency, and my  commitment to peace and development, called for collaboration in expelling communal and cult clashes from the constituency. They recalled the critical role I played in arresting the situation in the renewed clash between Ofatura and Ovonum, Ofonokom and Ogamana and other communities in Obubra, seizing the opportunity to laud me for some of the projects I am currently executing in the constituency.

Apart from inspecting the vandalized buildings of the  acting paramount ruler and other chiefs in Imabana Ochokwu, and the vandalized buildings in other communities affected by wars, I also visited and condoled with the  family of Mr. Egba Eborty Francis, my Liaison officer for Ofodua ward whose wife lost her father and some of my  extended family members that lost their father in Ofodua. It is heartbreaking to see the impact that these clashes have had on our communities, but I promise to  do everything in my power to ensure that peace is restored. Finally, I inspected some of the projects that I am currently handling, which include a police station, class room blocks, a town hall and many others. 

I would like to conclude by calling on all of us to come together and work hand in hand to put an end to these conflicts. Our unity and cooperation are vital in building a peaceful and prosperous Obubra/Etung federal constituency.

Thank you for your continued support, and may peace prevail in our land.

Yours sincerely,

Rt. Hon. Mike Etaba

Member representing Obubra/Etung Federal Constituency

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