The Cross River State Commissioner of Police, Gyogon Augustine Grimah, has commissioned the recently built Obubra Police Station to the status of a Divisional Police Station, at a very impressive ceremony.

   The event took place in Apiapum and was attended by people from all walks of life, including the traditional heads of Obubra and Etung,  youths, women and children.

   Police Commissioner Gyogon Grimah, at the occasion, called on everyone to embrace peace as a precondition for society's stability, noting further that the people are the very first beneficiaries of the noble initiative put together by the Member prepresenting Obubra/Etung Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Mike Etaba.

    The Police boss allied his thoughts with the facilitator of the project, Rt Hon. Mike Etaba on all the efforts and relentless battles to serve his people well. He equally called on all and sundry to ensure that not only do they cooperate in beefing up security by assisting the Police to carry out their functions effectively, but also to ensure that they become members of the Police Community Relations Committee (PCRC).

   The Police Commissioner paid glowing tributes to the Inspector General of Police, Kayode Agbetokun and the Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIG) Zone 6 Jonathan Towuru, for granting the approval for the rebuilding of the Police Station which was completely Vandalised by windstorm about 20 years ago. 

The station was rebuild from scratch by Rt. Hon Mike Etaba and given the status of a full division by  the Inspector General of Police 

and proudly commissioned by the Cross River State Commissioner Of Police.

 He went further to praise His Excellency, Senator Prince Bassey Edet Otu, Governor of Cross River State, for his support and determination to free Cross River State from all manner of crime and criminality and particularly, for his unwavering support to the Police and other security agencies operating in the State.

   He further noted that Cross River State will be a reference point, hence described Rt. Hon. Mike Etaba as a strong and reliable political figure who has the interest of the people at heart.

   He opined also that too much talk has taken place in Nigeria and that it is obviously time for action for which Cross River State has taken the lead by the various initiatives to support the fight against crime at all levels. 

Similarly, the facilitator of the project, Rt. Hon. Mike Etaba, noted that the rebuilt Police Station is a booster to security and highly commended the people for embracing peace, adding that security is needed to create the right atmosphere for investors to come in.

  Rt. Hon. Etaba enumerated some of the projects and programmes he has initiated and completed in the various communities where his constituents reside. He also disclosed how he bought two official Hilux vehicles in 2015 to support the operations of the Obubra/Etung Police divisions.He pledged that he will continue to support the Nigeria Police Force, other military and paramilitary agencies in the speedy delivery of justice and to protect the lives and properties of his constituents. 

  In his contribution, the APC leader of Obubra Politics, Hon. Alex Irek, noted with great pleasure that such a commendable project is the brainchild of Rt. Hon. Mike Etaba, who has left no stone unturned to ensure that his constituents enjoy peace and tranquility.

   Also speaking, a prominent member of the community and immediate past State Security Adviser, Sir Alfred Mboto, was full of praises for Rt. Hon. Mike Etaba and urged all other political office holders to emulate him.

Another critical stakeholder in the politics of Obubra Nation Elder John Agbor also noted that Rt. Hon Mike Etaba is doing incredibly well by being people's sensitive in all his approaches. Adding that the Apiapum Divisional Police Headquarters will go along way to help bring peace and tranquility to the crisis ridden areas in Obubra landscape. He reiterated that the primary purpose of government is the security and welfare of the people, according to him that has been demonstrated effectively by their illustrious son Rt.Hon Mike Etaba. He therefore called on the people of Obubra to continue to give him the unflinching support required for him to do better. 

   The traditional institution was not left out of the event, as His Royal Highness Oval Mbina Mbina Ajom, the Ohorodo Kudeden I And Clan Head Of Okum Kingdom added his royal presence and voice to the commendations poured out on Rt. Hon. Mike Etaba, describing him as a worthy son of the soil.

   Security issues are vital ingredients of safe guiding the well-being of the people and if taken for granted or not accorded commensurate attention, crimes and criminality can be enthroned with devastating consequences. 

   It was in a bid to guide against this that Rt. Hon.Mike Etaba, in his wisdom, decided to create a buffer zone for security to thrive, culminating in the commissioning ceremony of the newly rebuilt and upgraded Police Divisional Headquarters in Apiapum Obubra Local Government Area of Cross River State.  




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