•Charges Agency to Judiciously utilize budgeted funds for Health Financing

Chairman, House Committee on Health and Chief Whip of the Cross River State House of Assembly, *Rt. Hon. Hilary Bisong  Ekpang Bisong JP* has called for a sustained awareness, geared towards active involvement in the State's Health Insurance Scheme. 

He was speaking at the 4th Quarter Stakeholders meeting of the Health Care Financing Equity and Investment Technical Working Group (TWG). 

He maintained that the essence of the Scheme was to bring healthcare closer to the people who needs it most, which according to him, must be people centric. The member further called for sustained public awareness and sensitization. According to him, "Healthcare can be available, but accessibility may become a challenge". 

Briefing further on government's efforts at providing funding for Healthcare Financing, Rt. Hon. Hilary Bisong says health sector budget rose from 3.5% in previous administration to 13% in the current state budget. He charged implementing agencies to make good use of the funds. 

While commending the Governor for improved Allocation for healthcare, the Honorable Commissioner for Health, *Dr Egbe Ayuk* has this to say:

"Prince Otu is trying. We are happy for the efforts so far. " 

The commissioner also called on the operators of the scheme to be transparent while assuring them of the government's readiness to address challenges to ensure optimum performance.

The meeting was attended by a representative of  the World Health Organization, WHO, calling for  increased public trust in the Health Insurance.

Out of 196 wards, only 168 accredited, 28 did not meet accreditation.

Ayuk charge agency to get it right.

Presenting some of their challenges on behalf of the Agency, the Director of Admin, appreciated the efforts of the governor and that of the Chairman of the House Committee on Health while calling for release to enable them work seamlessly   saying that manpower is needed and called for cooperation from Stakeholders and partners. 

The meeting was attended by partners and stakeholders in the health sector, NMA, private health practitioners, Society for Family Healthcare, Rotary club, and other funding partners.

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