By Beatrice Akpala

   William Shakespeare, the great English playwright captures it all in one of the greatest dramatic texts ever written, *Julius Caesar*

   He notes that "the heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes". This is the apt summary of the life and times of Chief Francis Ingwubel Akpo, the father of the immediate past First Lady of Cross River State, Her Excellency, Dr. (Mrs.) Linda Ayade, who laid her beloved father to mother earth recently, in Obudu Local Government Area. 

   At the burial obsequies, distinguished Nigerians from across the political divide and from all walks of life, thronged into Obudu to witness the event and pay their last glowing tributes to the deceased octogenarian.

   Very prominent among such dignitaries was the Member representing  Obubra/Etung Federal Constituency in the Federal House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Mike Etaba.

  He described the late Chief Francis Ingwubel Akpo, as a rare breed of a truly noteworthy father, uncle, brother, father-in-law, guardian, community leader, symbol of family cohesion and a worthy Servant of God, who dedicated his entire life serving God and humanity. 

   Rt. Hon Mike Etaba noted with satisfaction that the defining legacies and inate characteristics of the late Chief Francis Ingwubel, were the pathway to the proper upbringing of not just one's immediate family but also, future generations to come, adding that discipline, hard work, dedication to family values and belief in God, paved the way for the deceased to achieve so much in life, hence, such legacies will remain indelible for ever.

   Rt. Hon. Etaba further reiterated the many commendable achievements and fond memories etched on the sands of time by Chief Francis Ingwubel, and called on the younger generation to look up to such legacies for guidance and direction.

   He noted also that the carnival-like burial was reminiscent of the love and the refining quality of service rendered by Chief Francis Ingwubel in his lifetime and paying him such last respects were only indicative of his worth in the life of his immediate family, community, State and Nation. He disclosed that the family has lost a great and remarkable symbol of peace, the community has lost a dedicated leader, the State has lost a truly trustworthy elder while the Nation has lost a great patriot.

   The highly respected lawmaker noted that the burial event was made even more noteworthy with the chains of many generational connections weaved together by the immediate past Governor of Cross River State, His Excellency, Senator (Prof.) Ben Ayade, who buried his beloved father in-law in style.

   He deeply consoled the Ayade family, whom he noted, was a remarkable family not only in Cross River State but across the nation in general. 

  He urged the Akpo's and the Ayade’s not to be unnecessarily agitated by the death and burial of the departed Chief Francis Ingwubel, but to see his demise as a rare celebration of a truly fulfilled life on earth.


 He prayed the Almighty to grant the soul of Pa Francis Ingwubel eternal rest in His Everlasting Kingdom of love and spiritual tranquility. 

 May he rest in peace and may his legacies continue to inspire future generations of Cross Riverians and Nigerians alike.

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